How Is Self Storage Profitable?
The Demand Is Almost Never Ending
Pick The Right Location For The Best Return On Your Self-Storage Investment
Growing cities are the ideal location for self-storage facilities. Real estate prices are high, and those moving to the city want to keep housing costs low, so they buy or rent small. However, that means they need a storage facility for items they are not ready to eliminate from their lives. High rent also means getting roommates and the need for added storage for furniture or other possessions that no longer fit or are needed in this new living situation. Finally, small garages in the Tucson area mean homeowners need added storage for everything from boats and RVs to water skis, tools, and gear for camping or an excursion to the snow.
Streamline Operating Processes Equal Low Overhead
While a self-storage facility must cover the cost of electricity, water, and other utilities, the demand is a fraction of what is used in most investment properties. New energy-saving devices like motion sensors for lighting and better insulation for added climate control will keep the cost of running a self-storage facility very reasonable. Other tech, such as security and monitoring systems, allow even a large self-storage facility to be operated by a minimal number of staff members. Online booking and payment processing, complete information and rental processes, and FAQ pages on a high-quality website eliminate the need for a staffed office, driving up overhead.
If you are ready to capitalize on the Legacy Built team’s expertise, decades of combined talent, and success, please do not hesitate to contact the office for more information on this tried-and-true investment opportunity.